There are two ways to invite users using the workspace administrator portal: Invite via email and by uploading a CSV.
Invite via email
- From the workspace administrator portal, click the button 'Add users' at the top-right corner of your screen.
- A dialogue box will appear. Choose 'Add via email'.
- Another dialogue box will appear. Here, you can enter the user's information such as email, full name, department and position. (Note: It is recommended that you enter the user's workspace email.)
- Once done, click on 'Save'. The added user will receive an email inviting them to join the workspace.
Invite via CSV
- From the workspace administrator portal, click the button 'Add users' at the top-right corner of your screen.
- A dialogue box will appear. Choose 'Import CSV'.
- Another dialogue box will appear. Here, you can download the CSV template as well as the sample to follow. Download the CSV template.
- From the CSV template, enter the user's information. Required fields include the user's email address and full name. (Note: It is recommended that you enter the user's workspace email. Also, please double-check that the entered department exists and is in the correct spelling.)
- Once done, save your CSV file.
- From the dialogue box, click 'Upload CSV File' and select the saved CSV file you created.
- Your CSV file will be uploaded, and you can see the progress of your invite.
Additional info
In case the user hasn't received the invite, you may ask them to check the 'Spam' folder. Otherwise, you can resend the invite again.
Tracking and resending invites
You can track the sent invites in your 'Pending Users' tab. Here, you can see the list of users who haven't accepted the invitation. You can also resend the invite from this list.
To learn more, visit:
Workspace administrator portal
Remove users using the workspace administrator portal
Edit user profile using the workspace administrator portal