From your inbox, tap and hold a conversation. Options to Pin, Clear badge (if you have unread messages), and Mute Or Unmute will appear in the header.
Choose the Pin icon (
), and the selected conversation will be pinned to the top.
To unpin, follow steps 1 & 2 for an already pinned conversation and select the unpin icon (
From your inbox, swipe a conversation to the left. Options to Clear badge, Mute Or Unmute and the More options will appear.
Choose the More icon (
) and select Pin Conversation. The selected conversation will be pinned to the top.
To unpin, follow steps 1 & 2, but for an already pinned conversation and, select Unpin Conversation.
From your inbox, hover your mouse to a conversation. You will see the Settings icon (
Click the Settings icon (
). Options to Mute Or Unmute, Pin, Archive and Clear unread badge will appear.
To unpin, follow steps 1 & 2 but for an already pinned conversation and, select Unpin.