Adding a department
- On the workspace administrator portal, select ‘Departments’ from the side menu.
- Click the ‘Add New Department’ button at the top right of the screen. A dialogue box will open.
- Enter the department's name in the dialogue box and click the ‘Add’ button. The department will be added to your workspace.
Removing a department
- On the workspace administrator portal, select ‘Departments’ from the side menu.
- From the department list table, click the remove icon ( ) under ‘actions’. A dialogue box will appear.
- Click the ‘Remove’ button to proceed with removing the department.
Editing the department's name
- On the workspace administrator portal, select ‘Departments’ from the side menu.
- Click ' Edit ' from the department list table, and a dialogue box will appear.
- Enter the department's new name, click save, and the name will be updated.