Invite and add a colleague (Connection request)

Add both Celo and non-Celo users

  • Existing Celo users will receive a connection request on Celo.
  • Non-Celo users will receive an email invite to use Celo, and they will receive your connection request when they join using the invite link.
Android iOS Web
  1. Head to the Network tab.
  2. Tap Add connections.

    (Android) Add connection
  3. You can invite your colleague(s) to connect with you on Celo via the following methods:

    Connections - Email Phone Contacts
    email-24px.svg Connect via email

    Enter your colleague's email addresses, up to a maximum of 20. You can also choose the emails found on your device by choosing Add from contacts.

    sms.svg Connect via SMS

    This will use your device's default SMS application to compose a message containing a unique link to your Celo profile. You can specify who you would like to send the message.

    share-24px.svg Connect via link

    This will use your device's default share action to share a message containing a unique link to your Celo profile. You can specify which application you would like to share the message (e.g. email apps, social media, messaging apps).

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