Unread badges indicate the number of new messages you have not read in a Chat, Group or Case. Unread badges automatically clear upon reading messages, or you can manually clear them by following the steps below.
Clearing unread badges
Head to the Home section of Celo.
Find the Chat, Group or Case whose badges you wish to clear, and long hold (tap and press) it. A set of buttons will appear at the top of the screen.
Press .
This option will not appear if there are no unread messages.
When prompted, press Clear Badge.
Head to the Home section of Celo.
Find the Chat, Group or Case whose badges you wish to clear.
Swipe the Chat, Group or Case to the left. A set of buttons will appear.
Press .
When prompted, press Clear Badge.
Head to the Messages section of Celo.
Hover your mouse cursor over the Chat, Group or Case whose unread badges you wish to clear.
Press the that appears.
Click Clear unread badge from the list of options that appears.
Press Clear Badge in the pop-up confirmation screen.