Attach and send photos or videos to a chat, group or case

Android iOS Web
  1. Open the chat, group or case that you wish to send the media file to.

      See this article on finding a chat, group or case from  Home.

  2. Press Attach Icon (Android) by the message input box.
  3. Choose whether you wish to:

    Take new photos or videos with the camera

    The camera will open, allowing you to take photos and videos.

      Photo quality too low? Turn on uploading photos in high quality in General Settings.
    Share photos and videos from the Secure Library.
    The Secure Library will open, allowing you to share photos and videos that you have uploaded, or have been shared with you in Celo.
    Upload and share photos and videos from your phone gallery

    Your phone gallery will open if you have given Celo access. You can upload up to eight photos and videos.

      You will be asked if you want to delete the photos after uploading them. If you would like to delete sensitive data from your phone, press Delete. These photos will still be accessible from the Secure Library.
    (Android) Chat - Attach media file
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